Monday, September 16, 2013

Forth Grade Astronomers from UNCA

I’ve had the good fortune to work with Dr. Luba Nichols and her astronomy students from UNCA. These students volunteer to come into schools and present astronomy lessons. Erin, Lauren, and Ashley came to Claxton today and led fun and informative lessons about the seasons and phases of the moons with our fourth grade AIG group. The kids were highly engaged and had a great time with our visitors!

I’d like to thank Dr. Nichols, Lauren, Ashley, and Erin as well as our fourth grade teachers for making this visit happen! I’m also excited to relate that they’ll be back later in the year. If that’s not enough, Dr. Nichols is working on a viewing night for Claxton families to check out the heavens! We look forward to working futher with our friends from UNCA!

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