Friday, June 12, 2015

AIG Update

Here’s a couple of highlights from our year’s end:

Hopefully you’ve talked with your kids about our CSG group’s thinking games. These ThinkFun games were helpful in helping students understand the perseverance needed not only in these tasks, but so many aspects of their lives.  We will continue with such activities (and many others!) at the first of next year.
ESG students hopefully made it home with geometry review sheets (lots of Pentomino work) as well as the famous “Fat Cat” decoding activity. Check them out. These groups, too, will be up-and-running early in the school year!

Other groups plumbed a hands-on approach to algebra, worked with Think Fun games, and read a couple of great novels. Our readers also had some great discussions about short stories. I learned from these students every day!
Looking forward to fifth grade!

Quite a range of activities for our Claxton ‘seniors’ as well. The math simulation Adrift brought about some great discussions.  I also can’t forget the ESG work with Great Ocean Rescue. Our reading of Freak the Mighty led to some fascinating student dictionaries!  A couple of online thinking resources seemed to resonate with students, as well. Ask them if they ever played Trap the Mouse or The Warehouse. 
We’ll kick off student services for 4th and 5th graders at the first of next year. They may be some re-assessments of services in the new school year, but those folks will hear from me then.
As always, it has been my honor to work with the wonderful teachers, families, and students at Claxton.

Thank you all for your kindness and support! Have a great summer!