Friday, September 6, 2013

More AIG Information

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend my informational meeting at Claxton's Curriculum Night! If you were unable to do so, I'm happy to chat with you at a convenient moment.

The Asheville City Schools AIG plan is revised on a three-year cycle and then approved by the Board of Education and the Department of Public Instruction. A new plan for qualifying and serving students is rolling out this year.

Changes in our plan highlight our attempts to more closely match how students qualify to how they are served. To this end, our AIG Services Committee has met to write new plans for all fourth grade students. These plans have been completed and were mailed today. Any student who qualified for services last year still does, these services are just slightly different.

Students qualify with multiple criteria including nationally-normed assessments in achievement (reading and math) as well as aptitude. Fourth grade students will continue to meet with me weekly, they will just meet in groups determined by these qualifying areas.

Fifth grade students will continue with a once-weekly enrichment study group - as they have in the past two years. Newly qualified students will also participate in this service. All student AIG plans will be rewritten at the end of fifth grade to prepare them for middle school services.

I look forward to further discussions about the AIG program and how we serve students! Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Have a great weekend.

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